
Sweet grass

Directed by: Lucien Castaing - Taylor. Sheep and sheep farming... as far as the eye can see. In Montana, the director followed ranchers from the Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains district, their daily life, working on the ranch and driving sheep through hilly and often dangerous areas. Chewing sheep line up in front of the camera, ...

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Directed by: Lucien Castaing - Taylor.


Sheep and sheep farming... as far as the eye can see. In Montana, the director followed ranchers from the Absaroka-Beartooth Mountains district, their daily life, working on the ranch and driving sheep through hilly and often dangerous areas. Cuddling sheep line up on camera, reproduction, feeding, nursing problems, marking and the final, majestic journey of thousands of sheep across hilly Montana. It is a remarkable portrait of one of the last family ranches in this part of the United States, and certainly a document of disappearing sheep herding.

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