
Swippitt: A revolutionary “toaster” for instant smartphone charging

Forget cables and waiting – Swippitt promises a fully charged phone in two seconds.

Photo: swippitt

Swippitt is an innovative device that uses a "toaster" design to instantly charge smartphones. With a system of interchangeable batteries and a smart case, it promises to put an end to the problems of empty batteries.

Imagine a world where your smartphone never needs to be plugged into a charger again. A world where you simply insert your phone into a sleek device Swippitt, similar to a toaster, and in two seconds it's ready for all-day use. No, this isn't science fiction - this is Swippitt.

At the recent CES 2025, Swippitt unveiled its “Instant Power System” (IPS), which promises to revolutionize the world of smartphone charging. The system consists of the Swippitt Hub, a toaster-shaped device, and the Swippitt Link, a smart case with an integrated 3,500 mAh battery.

Photo: swippitt

It's simple: when the battery in the case runs out, simply place your phone and case into the Swippitt Hub. In two seconds, the device replaces the empty battery with a charged one, and you're ready to take on the day's challenges. The Hub can store up to five batteries, which are automatically charged and can be monitored via the Swippitt app.

Swippitt Link case is available for iPhone 14, 15, and 16 models, and the company plans to support the Samsung Galaxy S series by the end of 2025. The case is available in six colors: Dublin Black, Kimberley Tan, Trá Bán White, Castle Green, Burgundy Sail, and Atlantic Blue.

The Swippitt Hub is priced at $450, with a case costing $120. The company is currently offering a 30% discount for pre-orders, with deliveries expected in June 2025.

Conclusion: Swippitt brings a fresh approach to smartphone charging that could change our daily habits. Although the price is a bit higher, the convenience and speed it offers could convince many users to say goodbye to traditional chargers and embrace the future of toaster charging.

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