
Tadej Golob with book news: Ali boma ye!

there's a pigeon

Tadej Golob returns to all reading fans with the story of an amateur boxer before the last fight of his career and with an offer he cannot refuse.

Basic information
Tadej Golob:
Will we be ye!
The price

According to the autobiographies Peter Vilfan and Zoran Predin, via Pig's feet to Will we be ye! Tadej Golob he stays true to his style. This last one – which bears the title Will we be ye! – is still quite fresh and is already on sale. This time, the writer (also a Kresnik laureate) packed the story of an amateur boxer into the modern Slovenian social environment, which has the kind of plot on which Western and Hollywood films are built.

As Tadej Golob said in a conversation with Sam Ruglje for Bukla magazine, he wrote the novel because he is a fan of Rocky movies, especially the first one. "The first Rocky had to appear on Slovenian TV once in the 1980s, because I was even younger. It seems to me that from then on I carry this plot in my head, this Hollywood boxing plot: a fight that the main character does not want, but of course he cannot avoid. I wanted to see how it would look in Slovenian."

Tadej Golob (photo: Borut Peterlin)
Tadej Golob (photo: Borut Peterlin)

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