Apple and the letter 'i' have been inseparable for two decades. Have you always wondered what the meaning of the letter 'i' in the name of Apple products is? This letter first appeared in 1998, when Steve Jobs introduced a new generation of iMac personal computers. Find out what it means below.
Apple is no longer the most valuable company in the world! Namely, it was dethroned by Alphabet. Who? Google, the native way. It is a company that, after a legal reorganization, became the umbrella owner of Google and is now also the most valuable company at all, as it can boast the largest market value in the world. The company's market capitalization is estimated at 568 billion US dollars, which is 33 billion more than Apple (535).
The iPhone 7 wish list is getting longer. A borderless screen, a 5.4-inch OLED screen (for Netflix content), a more durable home button... The latest study of the iPhone 7 smartphone did not leak from Cupertina, but is the work of the creative minds at, who presented the vision of the seven, which answers all the wishes of users and represents a big leap forward compared to the iPhone 6S.
The Apple Museum: the largest private collection of Apple products in the world on display in Prague
The Apple Museum, a museum with the largest private collection of Apple products in the world, was recently opened in Prague! It contains a rich selection of Macs, iOS devices and other peripherals manufactured by Apple between 1976 and 2012, including real rarities such as Apple cameras. There is also a bistro with vegan food and many quotes that adorn the walls of the Prague museum.
Are you interested in what kind of All Star sneakers you would buy if McDonalds, Facebook, Coca-Cola, Apple, Google and other world-famous brands that have nothing to do with the footwear industry made them instead of Converse? Designer Andrea Salamino also asked himself this, and his idea is as follows. Would you wear these All Star sneakers?
Apple and Google have revealed the best apps of 2015. Apple's app of the year is Twitter-owned Periscope, while Google Photos is the most popular app of 2015 on the Google Play Store.
The recent legal process between Apple and Samsung turned out to be a gold mine of closely guarded secrets. The legal saga, which dragged on for almost five years and ended with the North Koreans admitting the theft of intellectual property, revealed many interesting facts about the Silicon Valley company. Among other things, the fact that Apple created a bunch of different designs for the iPhone smartphone, but they never saw the light of day. Below you can see all the rejected designs for the iPhone smartphone.
A smartphone is only useful for as long as the battery is useful. The iPhone 6 and 6S can be so good, but once the battery dies, it's as if you didn't have it. And since the battery of the latest iPhone models is once again one of the weakest links of the phone, Apple has released the Smart Battery Case, an official protective case and rechargeable battery in one, which extends the autonomy of the phone by as much as 25 hours!
Did you know that the real intuitive remote control is hidden in those white Apple headphones? Namely, they enable users to do more than ordinary telephone headsets. Here are 14 things Apple's headphones can do — from sending unwanted calls straight to voicemail with one click, to effortlessly skipping to the part we want to hear.
The most advanced technology. The look of the eighties. This is the iPhone 6S Retro smartphone that will awaken your nostalgic feelings. Many things were better in the eighties than today. Music, mustaches, action movies, ... But not technology. Take Apple's Apple IIe computer from 1983. A vanilla-colored "box" that is a worthless piece of technology by today's standards. But the ColorWare company found the muse in it to create the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus smartphone with a retro look.
The legendary Macintosh 128k computer, or in the original Apple Macintosh - the first personal computer released by Apple - has undergone a luxurious renovation in the form of The Golden Apple computer, made by the design bureau Love Hultén. The "Golden Apple" is a beautiful tribute to the original, and as a beautiful replica made of American walnut wood, it is a real collector's item.
Apple made the biggest profit in history at the beginning of the year, but the famous company from Cupertino has many other facts in store that you definitely don't know and that will also leave you speechless, especially when we put them into perspective. It's all the fault of the iPhone, which transformed Apple from a lowly IMB competitor into the company everyone else aspires to be, even if they may not admit it. Check interesting facts that will shock you!