The growing interest in travel has not only tripled the number of bloggers, but also led to unusual recommendations for tourists. For example, the online magazine Insider Monkey has classified the countries where the most beautiful men live on our planet. Points were awarded based on beauty titles and competitions: Manhunt International, Mister Global, Mister International and Mister World gave each country one point. The titles Mr. Cuteness, Mr. Online Popularity, Best Figure, Best Model, Mr. Charming Smile and Mr. People's Choice were rated with half a point. You just can't ignore a chart like that. So where do the most beautiful men live and which countries should you visit?
TC Chandler Independent Critics List has been selecting the most beautiful female faces for 28 years. Among others, Emma Watson and Emilia Clarke took first place. They recently presented the most beautiful female faces of 2017, and the results may surprise you.
Nowadays, plastic surgery and similar appearance corrections are quite common. Especially nose corrections, liposuction and breast augmentation are something we encounter at every step. New procedures also made more unusual plastic surgeries possible. After reading this article, you won't believe what plastic surgeries are becoming more and more popular.
Before you is the latest trend in the design of eyebrows, namely in the form of Christmas trees. Bizarre or festive?
Do you also like to squeeze those 'blackheads' on your nose? Do you know you shouldn't have them at all? These are almost certainly not blacks.
The girls who walk the catwalk in one of the most prestigious magazines in the world, Victoria's Secret, are considered the sexiest women in the world. In addition to their toned, tanned bodies, they also boast thick hair and sculpted cheekbones. What are they like without make-up, without make-up eyes and lips? Are they still sex goddesses?
What does it mean to be 'sexy'? It's certainly a multi-component feature, and looks aren't everything, of course. And what is it that they appreciate about the American magazine People? You'll only get that answer if you look at who the sexiest men in the world are from 1990 to today.
A birthmark on the face or body always attracts attention and, believe it or not, reveals a lot about a person. We're sure you can be whatever and whoever you want without or with a birthmark, but it's always nice to have a personal talisman.
Today is the start of Movember. This means that men let their beards grow for the whole of November. Are you worried about whether you'll still be sexy with her? Don't worry, you will. As proof, we attach photos of celebrities who look even sexier and more charming with beards.
As we know that you can't wait for part 2 of the sexiest Instagram girls, we are happy to serve it to you. These are simply the beauties you need to follow.
We reviewed the lists of men's magazines, spoke with an agency that manages influencers or 'influencers' in Slovenia, and made our own selection of the sexiest Instagram personalities of the year. The kind that men should definitely follow. These are the sexiest Instagram girls of 2017.
Sweden's Maria Pettersson does the job that almost every man dreams of. At the same time, she looks like she stepped straight out of a man's dream. Is this the most beautiful female pilot in the world?