War for the Planet of the Apes is the third sequel to the Planet of the Apes franchise. It features the return of the ape Caesar (Andy Serkis), who leads his species into a final battle with the humans, led by the cruel Woody Harrelson as the colonel. Returning as director is Matt Reeves, who directed the previous film Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014).
After more than 15 years, Baywatch (Baywatch) is coming back into our lives, only this time we will be watching the snotty and wet bodies of the currently hottest and officially sexiest movie actors on the planet in film and not TV format, as we did in 1989 and 2001. Stepping into David Hasselhoff's shoes is Dwayne Johnson, the highest-paid and sexiest actor in the world, who will be Mitch Buchannon, and Matt Brody will be portrayed by Zac Efron. The film also stars Coast Guard legends David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson!
We know that famous actors can earn tens of millions of euros for their work, but of course they have to earn this money, which means that the film must also be financially successful. So who are the highest paid actors in Hollywood 2016?
Starring the excellent Tom Hanks and Emma Watson, The Circle explores the dark side of the web and social networks. Namely, The Circle is a Facebook/Google/Apple-type company that records everything and everyone and gradually abolishes privacy. It is based on the 2013 book of the same name, which explores how far Google, Facebook and Amazon are willing to go to create the perfect society. After watching this trailer, you won't want to use Facebook again.
Last year, it was 40 years since Queen's legendary song Bohemian Rhapsody, a rock opera in miniature, was released. The song was originally 5 minutes and 55 seconds long, but at the insistence of radio stations, Freddie Mercury shortened it by a minute. You've probably heard the song, which is divided into three parts, a hundred times and probably know its lyrics almost by heart, but you certainly don't know Bohemian Rhapsody as a movie yet. This is how the song Bohemian Rhapsody would turn out if its story was the basis of a film and its lyrics were taken literally.
Be the first to see the first trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight, the fifth installment in Michael Bay's wildly successful robot franchise, which sees the return of Mark Wahlberg as talented auto mechanic Cade Yeager. The main female role, which launched Megan Fox into the stratosphere of fame ten years ago, this time went to Isabela Moner. The trailer for the new Transformers follows Bay's proven recipe - slow motion, explosions, attractive actress, human hero, villain, comedy, new robots, Optimus Prime's speech... That's right, nothing is missing! Has Optimus Prime crossed over?
Film Attraction or Prityazhenie, as the original title is, is proof that the Russians also know how to shoot high-budget sci-fi spectacles with Hollywood-worthy special effects. It's about an invasion of Aliens who land outside of American territory for a change.
Google Play has published the traditional list of the most popular apps, games, songs, books, movies and TV series of the current year. Find out who ruled the charts in 2016 below.
Smartphones make our lives much easier. In a few years, we have become so dependent on them that we can no longer imagine everyday life without them. How could they be without shajali once?! A good reminder are some movies that would have gone in a much different direction if telephones had existed back then. Check out how movies like The Shining, The Lord of the Rings, and The Circle would have turned out if the main actors had cell phones at their disposal.
BOFF 2016, the 10th Bov film festival about outdoor sports and nature, will this time be a four-day event. It will take place between December 27 and 30, 2016. 38 films will be screened in three competitive and two non-competitive categories. Even the youngest will come into their own.
Like it or not, winter will be here soon, and the low temperatures already indicate that. We will only be outside when it is really necessary, otherwise we will hide in warm shelters, where we can now enjoy a good book or a movie. There are countless films whose directors have skillfully set them in a winter environment, creating a wonderful, romantic atmosphere. We have also prepared top winter movies for you, which will keep you pleasantly warm.
After vampires, Tom Cruise tackles another mythological subject - mummies. The mummy that Brendan Fraser last dealt with is returning to the big screen, and now the star of Mission: Impossible is stepping into his shoes. It is a reboot of the franchise from the turn of the millennium. The Mummy (2017) is set in the present and stars Star Trek: Beyond Star Sofia Boutella as the mummy alongside Cruise. The film also stars Russell Crowe (Gladiator).