
How famous movies would have unfolded if smartphones had existed back then

How would famous movies unfold if they were made in the age of smartphones?

Smartphones make our lives much easier. In a few years, we have become so dependent on them that we can no longer imagine everyday life without them. How could they be without shajali once?! A good reminder are some movies that would have gone in a much different direction if telephones had existed back then. Check out how movies like The Shining, The Lord of the Rings, and The Circle would have turned out if the main actors had cell phones at their disposal.

They are today smartphones integral part of life. You probably have at least one friend in your company who has their eyes glued to it. Or you yourself are one of those who they pay all their attention to the screen, and the surroundings are neglected.

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If only Jack Nicholson had Candy Crush, things could have turned out very differently.
If only Jack Nicholson had Candy Crush, things could have turned out very differently.

A lot cult films was recorded before the advent of smart devices. You would otherwise strongly influenced the scenario. For example, if the characters could call the police, look on Google Maps for directions, or simply Google the matter, half of the things we witnessed in some famous movies would not have happened at all. What if all these characters had access to a smartphone? The internet service provider also wondered this Plusnet, who presented his conclusions in a series of fun illustrations that predict how some movies would end if the main actors had a cell phone.

Gallery - How famous movies would unfold if they were made in the age of smartphones:

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