Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you judged another woman and her decisions, only to find yourself in a similar situation and react the same way?
If you have a friend born under the sign of Aries, you can be sure that you will never be bored with them, and also that you have a person in your life who will stay with you in whatever problems you find yourself in.
A friend who was there for you when your heart first broke has a special value!
Who can be a great friend and who can turn you down quickly?
How to be a true friend to your partner?
"People are often lonely because they build walls instead of building bridges." - Unknown author
"Having a sister is like having a best friend that you can't get rid of. You know that no matter what you do, she'll still be there." – Amy Li
Dear friend, thank you for being you!
"What is loneliness? It's like the feeling of standing on the shore and watching the mighty sky merge with the endless ocean." - Haruki Murakami
Have you been lucky enough to find your friendly soulmate? A friend with whom you can trust and support each other through difficult times?
"No one will ever develop the capacity of his intellect unless he tests his life by solitude." - Thomas de Quincey
Empaths are the most emotional people in the world.