
8 thanks to say to our best friends before the end of the year!

Dear friend, thank you for being you!

True friendship is rare, and at the end of the year, tell them from your heart: "Thank you for being with me when I need you."

Tell them:

1. "Thank you for being there for me when I'm going through a rough time."

I truly believe that I wouldn't have gotten through all those hard times in my life if I hadn't been able to lean on you. You know, all the right things; you are not afraid to use strong words when you see that I have to give up my delusions. You gave me some of the best advice and motivation to keep going. You listened to me. You were there. I wouldn't be as strong today if it wasn't for you.

2. "Thank you for celebrating my happiness as if it were yours."

You were the wind beneath my wings. You believed in me even when I had no faith in myself. You celebrated my victories as if they were your own. Only a true friend can do that. My happiness would only grow bigger and bigger because I had you to share it with. I had you to make me happy.

3. “Thank you for listening to my love dramas over and over again.”

It doesn't matter if it was just a person I liked or someone I was dating. You were there to endlessly analyze their every move. You knew I needed that, even though it wasn't always fun or interesting. You probably had better things to do, but you were there with me and I appreciate that.

4. “Thank you for creating memories with me.”

It's amazing how many things two people can experience together in a year and in all the years of friendship. So much laughter, travel, holidays, new places, old places, new countries and new people. It has truly been such an amazing journey, I don't want it to ever end. I hope we never stop making memories and end up in the same nursing home.

5. "Thank you for growing and developing with me."

We are not the same as the day we met. Over the years we have changed and we have accepted each other as we are. We push each other out of our comfort zones and push each other to be better and to reach for the moon.

6. "Thank you for accepting my apology."

Thank you for understanding that I am only human and make mistakes. I know there were times when I unintentionally hurt you or made you feel bad for me. I still regret it.

You have such a big heart and sometimes you know me better than I know myself. You know why I reacted the way I did and what's underneath it all.

7. “Thank you for quieting my insecurities.”

I forget that I owe myself the amount of love that I always give to others. I forget that I deserve better and my mind fills with uncertainty. Thank you for reminding me that I need to love myself more. I forget that sometimes. Fortunately, I have you to reassure me and fill me with confidence and hope. I have you to stop me when I want to settle for less than I deserve.

8. "Thank you for being a big part of my life this year and every year so far."

I want you to know that you are my guardian angel and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. You enrich my life and bring me peace after all the storms. You are a friend for life.

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