Empathetic men do not choose to be sensitive, vulnerable, nor do they learn to be. That's just how they are!
Is now a bad time for love and dating? It depends on what you're looking for.
The universe always sends you exactly the person you need at that very moment.
Unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to know first hand what it means to be raised by a caring, sensitive and strong mother.
Men want their partner to be "pleasant to look at". Women want their partner to be "handsome". But this is where the relationship questions begin.
If you don't love her completely, let her go. If you're happier when she's not around, let her go. If you prefer talking to other women, let her.
Living between four walls was clearly too much for some.
How thin is the line between friendship and love?
Ever heard of obsessive love?
A sister is the one who gives you a hand when you are at your lowest point in life and brings you ice cream when your heart is broken. It's there – for you.
Love is the embrace of two souls that strive for perfection, but complement each other in their imperfection.