Science reveals how many times a week happy couples play between the sheets. You will be surprised.
partnership relations
Various relationship researchers studied the habits of satisfied and happy couples and found that practically everyone does these 10 super simple things that you two can somehow start introducing as habits! Let's see!
Libido or sexual desire is, simply put, the desire for sexuality, which greatly affects our sexual life. Like everything else, libidos vary greatly from individual to individual. We present you 10 types, among which you can also find your own and discover what it means.
How do you create a long, successful and happy relationship? These are 10 secrets to a successful relationship that no one tells you about.
Even men hide many secrets. And if you manage to learn the following 3 BIG secrets from him, he's yours for life and he obviously loves you very, very much!
Men value above all simplicity and spontaneity in a relationship. And maybe it's because you fail to understand that not only big gestures are necessary, you make these 5 fatal mistakes, which can push him into the arms of others.
You must be aware that age has nothing to do with maturity. Some mature earlier, others later, still others never. And those men who are truly mature have certain qualities that honestly set them apart from others.
Do you love or feel lust? Sometimes it's hard to tell because both feelings are so damn AWESOME. Perhaps you already know the main differences between love and passion?
In a partnership or marriage where both partners constantly ask themselves this question, there are no doubts and no adultery.
With these actions, you will kill the man in your partner, and you really don't want that!
What will a woman not tolerate and what will make her immediately end the relationship?
Parting with a beloved word is extremely painful, but it happened, and it's high time we accept it. Here are three steps to help you get over your ex and open your heart to a new one.