People come and go, but you stay with yourself - forever.
Without them you have nothing!
You don't want to jump to conclusions if he wants a serious relationship?
"People put so much effort into the beginning of a relationship and so little effort into the end!" - Marina Abramović
"The law is like a besieged fortress: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out." Pierre-Marie Quitard
Partnerships are one of the most complicated things. It is important not only to notice the appearance of a partner, but also to pay attention to other things.
If what the research says is true, then don't worry about your passion and desire drying up over the years.
Men and women speak the same language, but that doesn't mean we understand each other.
There are couples who look amazing. Their spiritual connection, mutual respect and tenderness is so evident.
"Love is not a bandage to cover wounds." - Hugh Elliot
"For happiness in love and life, it is enough to have only one thing - a stable mental state." - Mikhail Labkovsky
When guys fall in love, they often do things that clearly show it.