"Pain purifies love, makes it real, authentic, pure. Besides, it removes everything that is not love." – Carlo Carretto
When you've been in a relationship for a while, you're definitely not the same person you were when you first saw each other. You are evolving. You are changing. You're transforming into a better version of yourself, and that's a good thing. This means resisting stagnation and staying in your comfort zone.
Don't let these relationships take a toll on your mental health.
If you know what is desirable in marriage and what is not, your married life will be much easier!
It is impossible for her and her partner to have only points in common. They are two different people, so they will have different opinions. There will be points of divergence. And that's totally fine. She shouldn't have the same personality. In all of this, the most important thing is to respect each other's hobbies and interests. You have to care at least a little bit about things that your partner cares about.
"I'm trying too hard for someone who doesn't even try for me."
We all know what physical cheating is: physical touches or any kind of sexual contact (every individual has a different idea of what exactly cheating means to them). But when is emotional closeness and emotional intimacy with someone else cheating? When can we talk about emotional deception?
"I'd rather argue with you than kiss someone else." - Unknown author
Be his muse in all areas of life.
Love can make us stupid and blind. Blind to the fact that all the effort and all the love we put into a relationship just isn't good enough. Why is that?
Domestic violence, lack of love and respect, and jumping the fence are clearly a thing of the past - these couples decided to break up for the most absurd reasons.
It's no secret that many men don't know how to deal with certain female characteristics, but this one scares them by far!