A study conducted at the University of Hertfordshire found that spooning is linked to relationship quality. If you both like to fall asleep in this position, according to research, your relationship is good. Why is that?
People wonder what is the key to a successful and happy relationship. Science has found the answer. Although alcohol is never the solution, but rather the problem, this time the researchers determined its positive effects on the relationship.
There's nothing necessarily wrong with being in a relationship for reasons other than physical attraction, but it's important to be aware of and address the problems that arise when you're not attracted to each other enough.
When our heart is involved in our relationships with other people, the most important thing is to listen to our inner feeling. And if you meet the person you are 'destined' to spend your life with, that body will also give you a message. What signs will it send you?
The decision to move into a shared home with your partner is extremely important. If you can't imagine life without a room where you can do whatever you want, you're probably not ready for a big turning point.
Do you know your man? If not, know that these are the ways he shows that he is with the love of his life.
You wake up to see dirty dishes in the sink. Calm your nerves, enter the room and find clothes strewn about. You'd rather go crazy and beat him up, but you love him and he's 'yours'. What to do if your partner is messy and doesn't clean up after himself? Give him a chance to do something in that area and improve.
Oh, how life for two is complicated - who will clean up, who will go to the store... who will post the prettier photo on Instagram? It may seem absurd, but if you post the same photo on Instagram, it does not mean that it is actually the same. It really differs in one thing, and that is absurdity.
You've probably heard the saying that the smallest things bring the most happiness. As it turns out, this rule does not apply to women, who are supposed to be particularly happy with tall men.
People still today, and probably will in the future, debate whether a person's appearance or intelligence is more important. It is clear that there is no answer, because people have different opinions about what they are looking for in a partner. But lately there has been a lot of talk about sapiosexuals, people who love intelligence. If you prefer brains over looks, you might be that type of person too.
The world of partner relationships is very complicated. Sometimes we fail, but over the years we gain new experiences and realize what is best for us. When we enter the age of 25, it is the time when we already know the type of man we are attracted to. But we avoid these 6 types of men like the devil of the cross.
Couples who give each other nicknames are happier and have a stronger bond...well, at least according to a survey conducted by Superdrug Online Doctor.