
Science has proven: couples who drink it together stay together

Alcohol brings couples together

People wonder what is the key to a successful and happy relationship. Science has found the answer. Although alcohol is never the solution, but rather the problem, this time the researchers determined its positive effects on the relationship.

Couples, which they get drunk together, they stay together ‒ so revealed a study published in the publication The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Series, from which we can understand that they supposedly have pairs that they consume alcohol socially, less partner problems. This was especially pronounced among women who are much happier in marriage compared to women who did not often share "beer hours" with their partner.

Are you also toasting the study's findings?
Are you also toasting the study's findings?

Partners over 50 have, thanks to alcohol, a better marriage and regardless of or they got drunk together or they abstained together. Couples where usually only one got drunk and the other stayed sober reported less happy marriages, especially women.

Do you two drink it together too?
Do you two drink it together too?

It participated in the research 4864 married couples and 2767 pairs, which have been together for an average of 33 years. Two thirds of them were married only once. As part of the study, participants were asked, among other things, how many times a week they drank/they drink alcohol and how much they "get sick" of it.

The results surprised even the experts - a female scientist Kira Birditt thus he says that the key to a happy and successful partnership is not so much alcohol as the fact that he couples they spend time together.

So if we "translate" everything together: happiness will not come with alcohol (at least), but with spending time together, which entertains both of you. Therefore, this research and this paper in no way suggest that couples should drink together, but that they should socialize during fun activities, preferably without phones. 

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