Have you and your partner been together for a long time? If your answer is yes, then as you read and watch this post about the most bizarre things long-term couples do, you'll probably find yourself chuckling and nodding at odd habits that would seem outlandish, if not already, in a different cast. creepy, but you find them somehow endearing. What are these strange things that all couples who have been together for a long time and are so used to everything "bad" do, find out below. For those of you who haven't been in a relationship for a long time, check out what you're going to turn into!
Every marriage can be improved, whether you admit it or not. And since marriage is a living organism, it needs to be nurtured and strengthened all the time. It should be noted that both spouses are always responsible for the partnership and that the situation is the result of the (in)actions of both. The website Relationship Advice has therefore prepared eight scientifically proven tricks that will improve the relationship between partners and keep the marriage as happy as it was on the first day.
Many people boast that they could recognize their partner just by their smell or by their characteristic body features. The Complex team decided to check if this theory holds true in practice. Therefore, she gathered a group of couples in a pile, who had to recognize each other blindfolded. Once only by the breath, the second time only by facial features, the third time by the hands and the fourth time (obviously) by the buttocks. How do you think they would fare? Would you recognize your partner blindfolded?
Are you in a relationship with someone who many people think is a "weirdo"? Do you find yourself thinking how "crazy" and "weird" your partner is? You don't even realize how lucky you are. If you have found someone brave enough and strong enough to be who they are in a world of standardized relationships and fixed ideas, hold on to that person. Relationships with "weirds" are much better than with those who try their best to be "normal". Here are some reasons why we can be happy that our partner is a "weirdo".
Smartphones have become digital eyes into our souls. You can learn a lot about people just by checking their search history or recent conversations with friends. And while most couples who have a healthy and happy relationship should trust each other, we're not sure everyone would be comfortable with the challenge some couples have taken on allowing their better half to browse their phone and vice versa. Would you two dare to do something similar?
Being in a mature, adult relationship does not necessarily mean that we also act mature, adult all the time. When these and other emotions are at play, we often say and do something that we later regret and know that we could have avoided. Yes, even mature couples have "immature" arguments. Here are some of the most common "immature" arguments that can be seen in even the most mature relationships.
Every now and then - more rarely - men meet the woman of their dreams. It's always unexpected and almost never fits the point of life a man is currently at, but nevertheless, such a woman seems to change their life forever. The dynamic between a man and a woman changes, but the essence of the partnership remains the same - love. If you are lucky enough to have found such a woman, never let her go. In fact, if a woman has any combination of these twelve qualities, then by all means do not let her go.