
Experiment: Would you let your partner browse your phone?

Would you let your better half browse your phone?

Smartphones have become digital eyes into our souls. You can learn a lot about people just by checking their search history or recent conversations with friends. And while most couples who have a healthy and happy relationship should trust each other, we're not sure everyone would be comfortable with the challenge some couples have taken on allowing their better half to browse their phone and vice versa. Would you two dare to do something similar?

No matter how much you fall in love with someone, you would let them browsing your phone? Would you even dare to peek into his/hers yourself? Right in front of this one a challenge put the young couple by "the voice of Generation Y", a website Elite Daily, where both partners were asked to be they exchange smartphones and allow each other to browse it as they please.

READ MORE: Experiment: what is it like to live without a smartphone for a week?

Would you let your better half browse your phone?
Would you let your better half browse your phone?

While some were not surprised by the "revelations", some found themselves embarrassed and felt the need to explain the matter. Check!

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