We cannot choose the environment into which we will be born. If you were abused as a child, witnessed traumatic situations or your emotional or physical needs were not met, know that it is not your fault and that you can still become a healthy, happy and successful person. A characteristic of toxic childhood is that we subconsciously acquire lessons that are not correct and that can only harm us in life. Here are 6 lessons from a toxic childhood that you need to erase and relearn.
personal growth
Feelings of disappointment are always associated with expectations - you thought that something would turn out the way you imagined, that people would react in a way that suited you, that your wish would come true, that someone would be with you, that…
How often do you tell someone not to be so hard on themselves and then list all their good points, all they've achieved, all they can do and why you love and respect them? And this is not a consolation, this is the truth that someone who does not like himself cannot see as clearly as someone else.
What people should you cut out of your life before 2022 begins? Say goodbye to everyone who has hurt you or is limiting you! Remove from your life people who do not bring you a sense of peace! Release them to continue their journey somewhere else.
Don't let a broken heart convince you that you are not loved. While this relationship may have been good, there will be more in the future. Losing one love does not mean that there is something wrong with you. This is no excuse to start hating yourself. Be gentle with your heart because it deserves to feel full.
You will never find perfect love in life, but you will find the love of the person who sees you. A love that breaks down walls and with which you will share the parts of your soul that you have hidden and hidden from others.
Go ahead. Leave yesterday behind. It's an everyday thing. This is life. Some days you go faster, sometimes you can't go at all. Does it hold?
Mental balance is very important in our life. It helps us to face stressful situations in a calm way, improves our relationships with people and generally makes us happier and more satisfied with what we have. Experts have identified 10 values that should be followed by people who are the most psychologically healthy and balanced.
Sometimes you are toxic. Instead of blaming the people around you or the universe, sometimes you have to take responsibility for your own actions. You have to look in the mirror and realize that you haven't done your best lately, you haven't reached your full potential.
Believe it or not, you create obstacles for yourself to achieve your goals. Throw them away! Let's look at the reasons written by the writer Paulo Coelho, why your life's dreams have not yet come true!
Unfortunately, we don't appreciate most of the good things in life until we lose them. We don't know what we have and we take it for granted until it slips away and we are left without it. Learn to be different. Appreciate everything around you - now, this moment.
Unfortunately, receiving bad news is a normal part of life. You can hear them at work, on the street, in the family... They come in waves and you can't avoid them. However, there are ways to deal with it and prevent it from completely crushing you.