Benjamin Franklin once said: "Happiness lies in the small conveniences and pleasures that occur every day, rather than in the moments of great sudden happiness that rarely occur." Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden rank among the happiest countries in the world. With an emphasis on balance and connection, each of these countries has developed its own way of life. Millions of Scandinavians enjoy a healthy work-life balance, high standards of living with less pressure, less stress, while having more time for everything they enjoy and love to do.
personal growth
"Respect and gratitude are essential if you want to become an architect of increasing happiness and your own fulfillment." - Doe Childre
Alpha women are no different than others, except that they have a positive and strong approach to life. Check if you are one of them!
One of the brightest minds never let life's challenges stop him!
If you're a woman, chances are you spent your twenties making mistakes and finding yourself. This is a period of uncertainty and questionable decisions, bad relationships, bad sex and confused feelings. If you don't marry the wrong person or ruin your reputation during these years, you're actually doing well!
If a woman has a good heart, it does not mean that she is stupid or naive.
"A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." - Marcus Aurelius
"Don't waste your time and energy on those who don't care about you or those who don't love you." - Andrey Kurpatov
Just a minute to inspire and encourage you to change your thinking.
"Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!" - A. Adler
We all want to be happy, healthy and successful, but we don't know exactly how to achieve it.
"Trust yourself!" – Aristotle