
There is a difference between a man respecting you or just wanting you

Photo: IG Couples Magazine

"Respect and gratitude are essential if you want to become an architect of increasing happiness and your own fulfillment." - Doe Childre

It is important for women to feel wanted and sometimes they want it so much that they forget to respect themselves. They allow others to treat them with disrespect. Their desire for the attention of the man they love is stronger than their self-respect.

They want a man to conquer them. They love it when he approaches them and flirts with them. This attention boosts their confidence and makes them feel special. What about respect?

How to gain respect? It's not easy, it takes time. Time to recognize someone's worth, to understand why someone believes what they believe. Deep conversations and love are needed.

Respect has to be earned

You should always strive to be respected. You may love the moment you feel wanted, but that means nothing if the person doesn't respect you. Don't be with someone just because they have a nice voice and are strong with words. It may happen that at some point this person will leave and all those nice words will turn into garbage.

Don't fall into the arms of someone who doesn't respect you and only cares about you sleeping with them. Think about how you will feel when he doesn't call you in the morning. Don't settle for a one-night stand. Never. Don't let a man take advantage of you and leave you speechless. Remember, if he doesn't respect you, he will leave you and you will only be hurt. He never meant to stay with you - that's a harsh fact. People easily leave someone they don't respect. They easily forget someone they don't know and whose worth they don't appreciate.

You should always strive to be respected.

You must respect yourself to gain the respect of others

You may like a man, but his words mean nothing until he respects you. If you let someone into your life who doesn't respect you, it means you don't respect yourself. You should never let anyone trample on you, take advantage of you, or make you feel stupid.

Such a person will notice your lack of confidence and will continue to put you in terrible situations. She will know that she can do it whenever and however she wants.

Invest in yourself! Show yourself love and you will begin to see your worth. You will start to respect yourself more and then you will demand respect from others as well.

If someone disrespects you, cut them out of your life because attention isn't worth any pain.

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