People look at her and think she has everything. He has his life under control, everything is in perfect order. Because she is strong and successful. But they don't realize that it's actually a mask that she chose herself.
personal growth
If you think your life is bad, it probably is. If you think the whole world is against you, it probably is. If you think you deserve more, you probably do. The only thing in the world holding you back from achieving the "impossible" is actually YOU!
Why do you treat strangers differently than the ones you love? How can you change this?
Sometimes we need something that will help us look at life from another side. Something to make life better!
Empathy is something we all have, it is a human virtue. Some have more of it, others less, but being empathic doesn't mean you're different from others, just that you're more open to feeling. And which astrological signs feel too much?
Today you will give up and let go of the things that don't let you grow, that don't let you be YOU. Are you ready?
"Crying is not a sign of weakness. From birth, it is a sign that you are alive." – Charlotte Brontë
We recommend that you print these rules and hang them in a visible place so that you can remember them every day!
We hope that in the new year you stop doing that and be YOU! That's how you are the best!
Have you started your New Year's resolutions yet? With these 14 personal goals, you will turn 2020 into YOUR year!
A little more, and we will enter 2020, when we will wish each other happiness! During the difficult moments that we go through in life, sometimes it seems to us that luck is not our ally. The situation is not as bleak as it seems - fortunately, we can also influence it ourselves. And if we do these 6 things, we might actually be happier in 2020.
Does this sound familiar to you? Sometimes in life we just kind of get stuck, as if there is nothing in the world that we can tackle. We feel unworthy and find no meaning to live at all...