
5 Ways to Heal a Broken Heart: This is the easiest way to get over a breakup

Why seek comfort in other people?

Breakups, regardless of who is "to blame", are painful for a person. Many people hide their feelings deep inside and want to hide them by jumping from relationship to relationship. You don't find peace with that, you're just full of ego. He wants to hurt others like someone hurt him. He knows that this is not a solution. He is becoming more and more divided inside himself and full of questions.

Ask yourself how you really feel. Why hurt others to fill yourself? You can do all this yourself. Everything is within you, everything you need to heal your pain.

Here are five ways to get over someone without hurting others.

Live with your pain

Learn to live with your pain. Why would anyone want that? Because it's the only way to get over it. Leave things behind; the best solution is to go through all the feelings inside yourself, to know your feelings, to let them out of you. It's all in you. You don't need outside help, so put down the alcohol, delete the dating apps, don't look for something in others that you you haven't found it in yourself yet. Just enjoy the ride with yourself.

There will be feelings when you will only cry, laugh, you will not want to get out of bed, you will only see bad things in everyone around you. You'll be so excited about the future that you can barely keep up. Get ready for feelings you've never felt before. Is there perhaps a better time to be alive, to live, to feel what you have never experienced before? It's not! Now it is!

Enjoy the ride with yourself.
Enjoy the ride with yourself.

Get to know each other

Even in your childhood, you were told what to do, do this, you can do that, you can't do that. In all the confusion, many people feel lost. Where to start? First of all, it is necessary to silence the sound, the voices, the feelings inside you. There's a reason you don't like the job. Why relationships don't work out or people aren't what you expect them to be. Why are you depressed and disappointed.
Ask yourself, do you want to be the way you are now? Is this really yours? the best me? Go after the one that makes your heart beat faster, the one that makes your soul laugh and dance. Be brave!

Be kind to yourself

Enjoy the little things. Watch the flight of a butterfly. Let the wind play with you. Be with people who respect you. Soak in the sun's rays. Go to bed early and get up early. Play with the puppy. Read the book. Hug the one closest to you.

And when the time will ever come when you lie in tears, there is nothing wrong. You are just a living, sensitive being, and the only way to grow is to allow yourself: to fall, to fall, and to get back up. It's all just part of getting over it and gaining new experiences that will make you stronger.

Enjoy the little things!
Enjoy the little things!

Change your patterns

Are you always in a hurry? Do you make sacrifices for others? Do you reject your intuition? Do you ignore others instead of working with them to solve the problem? Do you close yourself off? Do you attack with words? Are you impatient? Can you recognize your patterns and make a conscious decision to change them?
It will take a lot of patience and work, yes you will succeed. You will return to old habits many times, but when you recognize them, accept them and change them, it will be your great victory.

Be grateful

Be grateful for every person who has ever crossed your path. The only reason you're here the way you are it's because of them. All the pain, tears, anger made you the person you are at this moment. Be grateful for whatever memories they left you with.

Never forget: every person is worthy of sincere love and is not your "handkerchief" that you throw away when it has served its purpose (your ego). Process the pain with yourself and be a "handkerchief" for someone who they will never throw away, they will wash out of him only senseless arguments and "stained" with tears of happiness.

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