Your body language says a lot about your thoughts, but you don't even realize it - these are 5 signals that give people away what's on your mind.
Today is International Kissing Day, celebrate it with at least one. Be it the first, formal or passionate, just be sweet.
Let's face it, we all sometimes 'manipulate' someone or something, but the difference between innocent and harmful manipulation is more than obvious - that's what they do to you when they manipulate you.
To avoid an argument, we have prepared for you 5 questions to avoid!
How many times have you found yourself in a situation, be it a romantic, family or friendship relationship, where you felt like the person didn't love you enough, despite constantly assuring you otherwise? Then where does this feeling come from? Relationships are not and will never be easy. They involve a whole lot of anticipation and the merging of two different stories that sometimes stumble over each other. However, in the end, what matters most is how you feel about the relationship. Sometimes it's not enough that a person loves you, it's important that they show it to you.
Love is blind, so it's not uncommon for you to take an innocent hug or a compliment from a friend you're in love with as something more - don't make false promises, because not every sweet word, gentle touch and emotional look is a step up. How do you know you're just a friend to him?
Remember how many times you hurt your parents unintentionally with your words. And later you regretted your actions, even if they hurt you. Words hurt, but you have to forgive them, because hating those who created you is the same as living with constant pain.
Family relationships can be complicated, and even if we are aware that they are harming us and it would be best for us to cut off contact with family members, we are often held back by a sense of guilt. Why shouldn't we think like that?
She is your best friend, biggest critic and sincere protector. It bites you quickly, but also makes you laugh to the point of tears. No matter what, you will always love her unconditionally - because she is your sister.
If you think that your partner was honest about how many sexual partners he had, you will finally have to accept that the truth is different - the woman must have subtracted some, while the man added some!
What you have seen in American movies about romantic trips for two is an illusion that you need to forget IMMEDIATELY - the first vacation with your partner is a moment that every woman looks forward to, but it is often accompanied by non-stop arguing that spoils the joy of this measures that she would prefer to stay at home. Pull yourself together, take a deep breath, and use the tricks that will make you go on vacation for the first time without getting into a 100-time fight before you go.
A person is able to survive life's worst storms, so it is important to take a stand even when faced with hostile persons. You may not be able to control all the actions of other people, but you can choose not to stand in the corner with your head down. This is your life, so you should never let others do certain things to you.