Many people understand Valentine's Day as a holiday that is supposed to be dedicated to couples, but it is a day when you are supposed to show love to all the people who mean a lot to you. Valentine's Day is all about spending time with your loved ones, so don't despair if you're single this year. It is not worth your nerves and here are the reasons why.
Despite the fact that our tastes differ, scientists from various fields have discovered what characteristics draw us to other people. These eight things should make people gravitate towards you like a magnet.
Under the weight of a patriarchal society, it quickly happens that women apologize for things they have nothing to apologize for. Do you do the same?
How is it possible that girls and women, who should be the most desirable according to common sense, are single? Is it their own fault or is the whole world conspiring against them?
If a friend tells you that you've gained weight, that you sent a really stupid text to your crush, or that you dressed badly for a night out, keep him/her in your life by all means. The biggest 'villains' actually care and care about you the most.
Every now and then we find ourselves in a period when we are sure that we will never find true love again, because a deep connection with another person is not something that is destined for us. Here you can read 6 reasons why you think you will never truly love again and why you are wrong.
A study conducted at the University of Hertfordshire found that spooning is linked to relationship quality. If you both like to fall asleep in this position, according to research, your relationship is good. Why is that?
Life teaches you over the years that it's better to keep things to yourself. Think about it, some people are happy because you have problems, so you should not confide these secrets to anyone, because you can be left without them.
Aunts have a special influence on the children of their siblings. They develop a genuine relationship with them, which they maintain even in later years. If you grew up with an aunt, you can be truly happy.
The decision to move into a shared home with your partner is extremely important. If you can't imagine life without a room where you can do whatever you want, you're probably not ready for a big turning point.
What would you rather hear: "The world is a better place because you are in it" or "You inspire me to be a better person"? The list of compliments you've never heard before is full of heartfelt and powerful statements that you and the people around you would greatly appreciate. You know, it's not all about our appearance, it's also about our inner beauty.
Do you know your man? If not, know that these are the ways he shows that he is with the love of his life.