Even if you've hit it off well with a person, it's hard to know what their true intentions are - if you don't want to be disappointed, it's better to pay attention to this kind of behavior that betrays how sincere they really are.
Breaking up with a partner can be a difficult and emotional experience for both parties. It is important that you approach the situation carefully and considerately and that you are honest and respectful in your communication. So how to carry out the breakup itself so that it hurts less!
We enter into marriage with the desire and intention that it truly last for the rest of our lives. However, wishes do not always come true and no one can predict the future. In some relationships, problems arise that are insurmountable.
Happy long-term couples can learn a lot about how to maintain a loving relationship. Among other things, there are some things and habits that happy couples avoid. We have selected ten things that you should avoid if you want your relationship or marriage to last.
Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the signs that someone feels more than friendship for us. Men can be shy too, and it may well happen that your chosen one shares your feelings, but he hasn't told you directly yet. And so that you don't spend days wondering what he actually feels, we have prepared for you 10 signs that show that he is also in love with you.
"No one ever wished on their deathbed that they had spent more time in the office," goes the well-known cliché. A study by two psychology professors hints at what we might deeply regret at the end of our lives.
Has it ever happened to you that you didn't want to participate in an activity or a situation didn't please you, but you couldn't say "no" because of a feeling of guilt? Were you worried that friends or colleagues would resent you or to hurt them in that way? Well, you have to realize that the word "no" is sometimes the key to your mental health and that people will respect you much more if you are able to set emotional boundaries for them. We have prepared for you 5 reasons why the word "no" should not bring you a feeling of guilt.
In life, we all experience a variety of trials - from the wonderful ones to the less desirable and painful ones. But they all shape us into the people we are here and now, and that's why we know they happened for a reason and helped us become what we want to be. We have prepared 4 ways for you to know that everything happens for a reason.
Finding out that your partner has cheated on you can cause feelings of anger, sadness, hurt, and even physical pain. The question that will arise the second the information reaches us will be "Why?".
Manipulation varies from case to case, but what manipulators have in common is that they create feelings of embarrassment, guilt, shame, anxiety in their targets. However, the ways in which they create this feeling can be different. Read more about the five types of manipulators and how to counter their techniques below.
We can all agree that life is much easier with friends. They stand by our side when we experience the most difficult moments, but at the same time we can also share our happiness and successes with them. All friendships are not the same: they can be distinguished by the level of connection, life period and how long they last. We have prepared for you 5 types of friendships that everyone needs in life.
A breakup is considered one of life's most difficult trials. It is quite normal that after it you need some time to regroup and prepare for the challenges that still await you in life. Experts advise that before starting a new relationship, make sure that you have gotten over your ex-partner - only then will you be able to let the new person into your heart. In order to know if you have already succeeded, we have prepared for you 5 signs that show that you have not yet completely gotten over your ex-relationship.