Everyone has ever wanted to be a superhero. Sometimes just for fun, but not always. Especially when things are getting out of hand and we would need some supernatural power to cope with them. Well, we have good news, because science is finding that just dressing up as one of Batman's most famous superheroes gives you some superpowers.
Stereotypes about blondes, redheads, jokes about freckles, short stature and the like are pretty worn out, aren't they? After all, these are properties over which we have absolutely no influence. What can we inherit from our parents, eh? Diseases, intelligence, eye and hair color and on and on. Genes define us to a large extent. Let us let you in on an interesting secret about this.
Would you like to quit smoking but can't seem to succeed? Have you already received a thousand and one well-intentioned advice, but still you are spinning in a vicious circle? If you would like to quit smoking for good, this is the best and most reliable way, says science.
First-borns have always had it all clear: they are more intelligent, more attractive and oh-and-even better than their younger brothers and sisters. Whether this is true and whether the reason is just jealousy is the question. A new study, however, has actually shown that second-borns have a higher chance of becoming criminals.
Men are attracted to women who have a bulging bottom because it is said to indicate that the woman is 'sexually excited', according to a new study.
Why is the stomach often called the 'second brain'? Our digestive system produces around 90 percent of serotonin, the feel-good hormone. And in order to really feel good, we looked at which foods are scientifically proven to make people feel bad.
If you don't already know: sex can improve mood and relieve pain. Understanding how it affects your brain, however, can improve not only your sexual interactions, but can also have other positive effects on your health. Research in development has already produced the first results!
Almost everyone who has gone on a date this year has used at least one dating app to help themselves – the most popular of which is certainly Tinder. However, some are more successful than others in using modern dating methods. In this article, you can read how to be more successful on such applications and get a date with the person you want.
A new study in France followed 232 adults who talked in their sleep. They found that the most frequently used word is "no" and that those who talk in their sleep curse a lot. Many participants simulated an argument or interrogated their imaginary victim while sleeping.
A recent study has shown that men, mind you, men, are not horrible sex perverts, but they love kissing, cuddling and other romantic gestures. Yet another study, which is also fairly recent, shows that the most dangerous position between the sheets is not something from the wild imagination or the book Fifty Shades of Gray, but a completely well-known position, one of the most popular.
Are you often late or do you have friends who 'don't know the time'? Although inaccuracy is an undesirable trait in today's society, it can also be an indicator of something else entirely. For example, people who are late are more successful and more creative.
Do you feel attractive? The only correct one! Your happiness should not depend (only) on your appearance. But a recent study shows that women are happier with less attractive men. Why?