When are the right years for motherhood? Does science have an opinion on this? Raising a child is a precious and wonderful journey that can bring both happiness and joy as well as challenges and worries, regardless of our age. Is there such a thing as a 'right time' for women to become mothers? Well, new research says yes!
Some common objects and actions never appear in our dreams. Why?
Passion and sexual energy between partners dry up after a while, that's a fact. And that's why it's even more important that couples know how to keep the spark over the years. These are scientifically proven tricks that will make your relationship not only long, but also HOT!
Here are 7 hobbies that, according to scientists, make you even smarter!
If you have unusual dreams these days, i.e. during the Covid-19 pandemic, then read this!
They love you the way you are!
As a leader, Steve Jobs followed the guidelines of mindfulness...and this was several decades before neuroscience confirmed these positive aspects of mindfulness that we achieve through meditation.
Research says that women turn into their mothers when…
Surely someone has already told you that you are a carbon copy of one of your parents. Regardless of whether it is the mother or the father, we can trust you that this is not quite the case.
A child needs experiences to be happy, not just toys. Experience also increases his intelligence, says science.
An alcoholic cat is a devil! But don't worry dear partygoers, here are 7 science-backed ways to cure an alcoholic hangover!
Who needs Mensa when we can measure IQ with sick jokes? Indeed, this study finds that intelligence plays a key role in accepting dark humor.