Have you been struggling with anxiety lately but don't know how to get rid of it? Believe it or not, you can deal with this problem with a very special method - knitting.
The perfect man only exists in our imaginations, and on average, some types of men are more desirable than others! Scientists have found what is what we can call perfection.
The fact that a relaxed walk through the forest helps to cleanse the body and spirit probably does not need to be emphasized. If science is to be believed, hiking also has a positive effect on our brain.
Science has finally found that quality in a man that attracts the most attractive women!
If you haven't fought with your siblings over who gets to play Super Mario next, who gets the better candy, and who was more diligent, then you don't know what real fighting is. And you lost an opportunity to become an (even) better person. Yes, that's what science says.
Dad's calves or "dad bod" are obviously the hottest commodity. To explain (although you probably already know): these are men who have some extra weight around their stomachs, and it is precisely these men who, according to research, are the most attractive to women. Good news for boyfriends and husbands who like pizza and beer and devote their free time to something other than fitness.
Many men can thank beards for making them more attractive. But that's not all! If science is to be believed, it is also possible to fight against insidious diseases with their help.
A study conducted at the University of Hertfordshire found that spooning is linked to relationship quality. If you both like to fall asleep in this position, according to research, your relationship is good. Why is that?
Scientists have declared physiognomy, the art of recognizing human character from the face, to be a pseudoscience. But on the other hand, these researchers prove that the face can reveal some important information about our personality.
Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, used by more than 500 million people worldwide. For a long time, it is no longer intended only for storing, editing and sharing photos among a close circle of friends. Today, it is also one of the most important niches for marketing and, of course, a source of information about consumers, which is analyzed on a daily basis for the purpose of improving the sales strategies of companies. From the latter and similar surveys, you can find out what your Instagram photos say about you.
The person most similar to you in terms of genetic inheritance is not your father or mother, but your brother or sister. And it has always been considered that the most special relationship within a family is the one shared by brothers and sisters. Now science has also found the answer to why you are so happy. Because you have a sister!
With the development of technology, more and more tools are available to scientists to help them in their work. So it is not surprising that every year they delight us with extremely interesting discoveries.