
The bigger the nose, the bigger the ambitions: 7 unusual things your face says about you

Scientists have declared physiognomy, the art of recognizing human character from the face, to be a pseudoscience. But on the other hand, these researchers prove that the face can reveal some important information about our personality.

What 7 unusual things does your face say about you?

1. Face shape

Scientists have proven the connection between the shape of the face and dominance. When Keith Welker of the University of Colorado Boulder studied the 2010 FIFA World Cup, he confirmed that by using the ratio between the height and width of the faces of soccer players, he was able to predict, how many goals will they score.

The ratio of your face can tell how successful you will be.
The ratio of your face can tell how successful you will be.

To determine your proportions, measure the distance between the ears and the distance between the upper eye line and the upper lip. The ratio between these two numbers will show how high your chances of success are. According to scientists lower number means higher chances.

2. Exposed cheekbones

A study by scientists from the University of London showed that men with high levels of testosterone have wider faces and strong cheekbones. The level of this hormone is directly related to aggressiveness, dominance and rebellious spirits. And by the way, women feel it subconsciously.

This trick is regularly used by film directors when they choose rough-faced men to play alpha males, rebels and villains.

3. Wrinkles

Wrinkles they betray not only a person's age, but also his character. Humans use different facial muscles to laugh, cry, grimace or raise their eyebrows. Over time, wrinkles show the most frequently used emotions on a person's face.

Wrinkles also speak about a person's character.
Wrinkles also speak about a person's character.

Wrinkles in the corners of the lips indicate that the person is optimistic, as he laughs sincerely and is very emotional. At the same time, wrinkles on the forehead between the eyebrows show that the person is serious and has been through a lot in life.

4. Calling a person from a single photo

People often turn their faces to the left or right when taking pictures, because we think that we are more attractive that way. A study scientists from the University of South Australia suggests that the reason for this is much deeper. It turns out that engineers, mathematicians and chemists are more likely to set the camera to the right side, while artists and psychologists prefer to show their left profile.


There is also a difference between the sexes: women more often turn their head to the right and show their left profile. Scientists believe that the left side of the face is considered more beautiful because it is controlled by the right side of the brain, which is responsible for emotions.

5. Your selfie is your short autobiography.

Lin Kee of the Singapore University of Technology is analyzed 123 selfies, which she got on a Chinese Twitter-like microblogging site. She found an interesting connection between the types of selfies and personal characteristics. Nice people prefer to be photographed from the bottom up. Those who are open to new experiences demonstrate positive emotions more often and are not afraid of funny photos. Neurotic people most often do duck face.

How do you take a selfie?
How do you take a selfie?

Scientists still cannot clearly identify the personal characteristics of people from photographs. This is also helped by the fact that most of the time people look better on them than they do in real life, which makes the task more difficult.

6. Nose size and ambitions

A study of 1,700 faces from photographs, specifically their noses, was published in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery in 2013. Researchers studied 14 different nose shapes and linked them to different personality types. It turns out that the bigger the nose, the more ambitious its owner. These people are also more prone to perfectionism.

A bigger nose is said to mean more ambition.
A bigger nose is said to mean more ambition.

Scientists have even studied the tips of the nose and found that a larger and more fleshy nose tip means a person is a great investor and financier. But if the tip is small and tender, then the owner is not very good at saving money.

7. The Dorian Gray Effect

Even two identical twins, who are almost impossible to tell apart, become more and more different over the years. It's not even about genes, it's about lifestyle. Bad habits on the face leave consequences and you can immediately notice what is the person's lifestyle and what can be expected from them.

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