Catch your breath and get ready for an unusual innovation - the X2 Sport, an underwater rocket backpack/bracelet that will turn you into an underwater Superman. Why Superman? Because the device works on the principle of flying a superhero, with arms stretched forward. Only under water. It uses two propellers, one for each arm, capable of speeds of up to 10 km/h.
Robert Lewandowski scored an incredible 5 goals in the space of 9 minutes in the match of the sixth round of the German Bundesliga at the home Allianz Arena and led Bayern from a 0:1 deficit to a 5:1 lead. Legend has it that Lewandowski still scores!
You've probably seen quite a few extraordinary table tennis exchanges, but the world was still waiting for the most beautiful, most extreme and most epic point in the history of table tennis. And he lived to see her. It was recently taken care of by Xu Xin and Zhu Linfeng, and the video somehow comes from China, a table tennis superpower that supplies the world with the best ping pong players. The pair exchanged an incredible 41 blows, each one seeming to seal their opponent's fate, but…
Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death among Slovenians, while external causes of death (accidents, suicides, etc.) are also high on the list. Life expectancy in Slovenia is around 80 years, but there are many ways to die earlier. In the following, we will present you the probability of dying depending on what you do and what kind of life you lead.
Teqball is a relatively new sport that is a cross between soccer and ping pong. From the latter, he borrowed a table, which is not a flat but a convex surface, and he changed the rackets and the ball for legs (and other limbs) and a soccer ball. It is suitable for two or four players, and thanks to the transparent "net" that can be raised above the normal level, table tennis table tennis can also be played solo. The rules are similar to those of ping pong, but clearly adapted, and the game does not only bring a lot of fun, because with it you will greatly improve your control of the ball, so it is ideal also and especially for those who practice football.
Golf is too expensive a sport for you, and you don't play soccer because you have two left feet. Maybe it's time to try footgolf, a young recreational sport discipline that emerged in 2006, and the first tournament as we know it today was organized in 2008 in the Netherlands. Since then, his popularity has spread like wildfire, and after "foot golf" drove America crazy, he also set foot on Slovenian soil in the spring. You can play a game of footgolf in Bovec, Piran and Ptuj.
"Higher, faster, stronger" is a saying we often hear when talking about sporting achievements. What about deeper? One goes there lower, slower and very calmly. This is a completely different dimension of physical effort, which is even more related to psychological preparation than physical. The summer holiday at sea is approaching, where many people spend part of it underwater. The secret of holding your breath for a long time deep below the surface was revealed to us by Samo Jeranka, who holds the Slovenian depth record in free diving. Recently, with a new Slovenian record, he won third place in the discipline of static apnea at the World Championships in Belgrade. And how does a person feel who can last eight minutes and eight seconds under water in a stationary position?
The story of the fallen cycling champion Lance Armstrong also got the Hollywood treatment. In the film The Program, Ben Foster (The Sole Survivor) took on the role of a disgraced superstar who literally swept away his cycling rivals at the famous Tour de France cycling race. And if the director of success or the man behind Armstrong was Johan Bruyneel, the man behind the camera of this biographical drama was director Stephen Frears.
Measuring strength in sports industries, socializing, concerts, creating, getting to know each other. All this and more are the May Games, a traditional and free student festival, which in 2015 is being held for the 32nd time in a row. From rather modest beginnings, it grew into a three-week spectacle of culture, entertainment and sports, which this year lasts from May 4 to 20, 2015.
Two new 360-degree sports cameras have the potential to radically change the market for their competitors. The V.360° and 360Fly cameras can record videos in full high definition, and we can later in the editing choose which angles of the footage we actually want to keep.
Sports movies tend to get a pretty bad reputation. People think that they are either cheesy dramas or funny comedies and that's why we don't take them seriously. And if we do a little digging, we find that there are some excellent films in this unjustly overlooked genre. We have selected five top films about sports that are worth watching.
The first weekend of April at Krvavac will be spent in the spirit of the best fun at the end of the ski season, which will be even more unforgettable than usual on the anniversary. Tradicionalna Luža - a unique event in which adrenaline-seeking skiers and surfers perform acrobatic tricks and spectacular jumps on a "puddle" in the middle of the ski resort - will take place this year for the tenth year in a row on the beach in Krávaška, and with a rich program, everyone who doesn't want to get really excited say goodbye to winter joys.