
How likely are you to die based on what you do

What is the probability that you will die from the activity you practice?

Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death among Slovenians, while external causes of death (accidents, suicides, etc.) are also high on the list. Life expectancy in Slovenia is around 80 years, but there are many ways to die earlier. In the following, we will present you the probability of dying depending on what you do and what kind of life you lead.

'Live every day like it's your last.' A phrase that we love to share so much, but at the same time, we rarely practice it ourselves. They exist many ways to die unnatural deaths. And if various diseases can be prevented or at least delayed by a healthy lifestyle, there are ways to leave this world that have nothing to do with health, but are related to the type of activity itself, which we implement or practice. And needless to say, it is death rate in extreme sports high, in other activities it may not be so obvious that we are playing with life.

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If alpinism in the Himalayas can quickly cost you your life (1 death per 167 people every year), smoking also greatly "improves" the possibility of premature death. This is the case with a male smoker 22 times more likely to die from lung cancer than for a non-smoker, but for female smokers this probability is "merely" 12 times higher. If you swim, you have a 1 in a million chance of dying, if you jump with elastic ("bungee jumping") and 1 in half a million, while the probability of dying while skiing is 1 in 1.4 million. Check, how likely you are to die based on what you do and depending on how you live elsewhere. If you want to improve your chances of longer life, then the infographic below should not be overlooked.

How likely are we to die from _______.
How likely are we to die from _______.

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