Making New Year's resolutions is a great way to bring positive changes into our lives. As long as we manage to fulfill them, of course. So that the old story of failure does not repeat itself this year, we have prepared five useful tips on how to ensure that in 2015 we successfully keep our New Year's resolutions.
Most of us are guilty of checking Facebook too often. This one is like an insatiable thirst, like fresh lovers who miss each other even before they say goodbye. It is true that here you can find lost friends, information, share content, make friends, communicate, but at the same time, the social network turns us into unsociable creatures and bad employees outside the frames of the screen. But you don't have to. Check out how.
The terms "networking", "chatting" and "new people" are a nightmare for introverts. We live in a world that is too difficult to be extroverted, and sometimes this presents a real challenge to maintain an active social life and still find enough time for ourselves. Here are 10 tips that will help even more extreme introverts find a way to keep themselves and at the same time become more socially active.
Whether it's a business or personal "slap", each of us has already experienced rejection. Maybe that's how we lost a great business opportunity or got rejected by the person we were in love with. If you've recently been rejected - we know how you feel. We've written some tips to boost your confidence and get you back on your feet.
The fact that sweaters will soon rule our daily fashion combinations will be a lot easier to accept with our ten style tips on how to wear sweaters before it gets really cold...
If you love the "oversized" trend and are flirting with voluminous winter coats this fall, just be brave! We have prepared a guide that takes you into the world of "oversized" coats that do not distort a beautiful female silhouette.
Are you interested in how to season or how to bring a little more life to smartphone photography? Then you've come to the right place, because the following tips and tricks from professional photographer Lorenzo Holder will make even the most interesting apps you have loaded look uninteresting compared to the world that will open up to you after watching this video.
Even if you do everything as we will advise you below, it can happen that your sleep will be sabotaged by the very thing in which you place the most trust, i.e. your body. "Et tu, mattress!" That's why, with simple tips, ensure a better sleep and a more restful night.
One of the most successful writers of all time, Stephen King, gives us some tips on how to become a good writer. The author Stephen King is one of those writers who knows how to attract millions of readers around the world with his stories.
Productivity is a skill. It is a skill worth its weight in gold, which helps to put 'resources' such as time, money and manpower to work, with the aim of getting the most return on investment. Running a company is not cat's tears. Whether it is a macro company or a multinational. Unfortunately, success never comes knocking on the door by itself, so tricks and an elaborate system are the only invitations to which he will respond.
Let's not be among those who throw away a little old but still very useful bread. If you have no idea what to do with it, we offer you ten excellent recipes that conjure extraordinary solutions from old pieces of bread.
For all those who cannot (yet) read, here is a theater performance. Since rules are meant to be broken, even the literate are allowed in.