
Faucets - a solar installation that turns salt water into potable water

The Pipe turns seawater into potable water.

More and more countries are struggling with drinking water shortages and more and more are using enormous amounts of energy to provide drinking water. Fortunately, solutions such as Pipe, a floating sculpture that turns salt water into potable water, are emerging to solve the problem of drinking water scarcity in an ecological way. Pipe is a finalist in the internationally recognized Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) competition for aesthetic solutions and clean energy.

Faucets is a floating art installation that turns salt water into potable water. A futuristic sculpture located on the shore of the harbor Santa Monica (California), is an electromagnetic filter desalination plant, which is powered by solar energy. It is able to produce on an annual basis 10 thousand megawatt hours (MWh) and desalinated 4.5 billion liters of sea water.

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Aesthetically and technologically sophisticated Pipe.
Aesthetically and technologically sophisticated Pipe

Faucets it comes at the right time, because without similar technology it will be difficult for us to fulfill our commitments of the COP21 climate conference, that is, the limit to the growth of the average global temperature for two degrees Celsius.

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