
Tattoo tips: 7 things to avoid before getting a tattoo

Photo: envato

In order for the tattoo to be perfect, it is important to prepare well for it. When it comes to getting a tattoo, the first step is important, because the decision must be well thought out so that you don't regret it later. It is also necessary to consult with an experienced tattoo artist before making, who will let you know what to avoid in order to get the best final results. In this article, we highlighted some important factors that you should consider before getting a tattoo.

There are some things you should pay attention to before you go on tattoo - tattoo tips?

1. Avoid alcohol

Alcohol thins the blood, so there is a chance that you will bleed excessively during the tattoo itself. This, however, can reduce the possibility of a beautiful final product, as the tattoo artist has difficulty following all the drawn lines. In addition, alcohol can also dilute the ink, so the final product will not be the correct color.

2. Avoid pills

Like alcohol, some pills like aspirin or ibuprofen can thin the blood. Avoid such pills 48 hours before the procedure itself.

3. Avoid sun exposure

Do not sunbathe before tattooing, as this can damage the skin and cause burns. The result can be excessive drying of the skin, followed by peeling. In addition, damaged skin can contribute to tattoo infection and a subsequent slower healing process. It is important to stay out of the sun even after getting a tattoo until the tattoo is completely healed.

In order for this work of art to be perfect, it is important to prepare well for it
Photo: cottonbro/Pexels

4. Intake of dairy products and sugar

Increased consumption of dairy products and sugar before getting a tattoo can slow down the healing process of the tattoo. In addition, foods rich in milk and sugar can cause the skin to tighten and expand, which can affect the paintings, especially those in the abdominal area.

5. Skip the caffeine

It is recommended to avoid caffeine consumption before tattooing, as it can affect the blood and dry skin. Due to the excessive content of caffeine in the body, you can also become restless.

6. Avoid tight clothing

It is a good idea to wear loose and comfortable clothes before and after your tattoo. During the tattooing process, loose clothing will allow you to sit or lie down properly without interrupting blood flow. After getting a tattoo, you should also avoid tight clothing in the area where the tattoo is located.

7. Be rested

It is important to prepare for a tattoo, especially if it will be on a larger scale. It is important to arrive rested and sleepy, as this can be a long-term process involving the whole body.

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