
The teardrop-shaped tents in Belgium allow you to spend the night in the trees

Hanging tents Tanendreef (Photo: Kristof Vrancken)

If you're looking for a slightly different holiday this summer, you can head to Borgloon Forest in Belgium, where four teardrop-shaped tents hang from the trees.

Hanging tents Tanendreef, which blur the line between sculpture and architecture, are the work of a Dutch artist Dré Wapenaar. Located near Hex Castle, they were originally part of a public art project called the Pit, which aimed to bring art into the public spaces of Borgloon. In addition to Wapenaar's tents, there is also "Polish furniture" by the artist Ardie van Bommel. In addition to the tents, she created a seating area, a washing area, toilets and a barbecue area. Together, the works of art are placed in the environment in such a way that passers-by and visitors can look at the landscape in a different way.

Hanging tents Tanendreef (Photo: Kristof Vrancken)
Hanging tents Tanendreef (Photo: Kristof Vrancken)

Tents can accommodate max two adults and two small children, but in them you can for 70 euros per night spend the night all until September 30. For more information visit official website.

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Cover photo:
Kristof Vrancken

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