
TED: a parody of TED talks

Parody of TED talks

TED talks have become a concept of inspiration. On the stage of TED-conferences, extraordinary personalities line up, who enchant the audience with their speech and intonation, gestures, and above all, insightful ideas. But that hasn't stopped self-proclaimed opinion leader Pat Kelly from giving TED speakers a fair go. Watch a fun parody of TED talks that will make you laugh. Are the criticisms of TED-events, which many accuse of making everyone think they are Steve Jobs, justified?

A self-proclaimed opinion leader Pat Kelly is his own TED talk dedicated to making fun of TED-speakers or the concept in general TED events. In his seminar, he explains how to talk with your hands, how to get a standing ovation and inspire people with empty words. A case of criticism of opinion leaders, i.e. individualists, who set an example and influence others with their behavior and ideas.

READ MORE: What does his body language reveal?

Pat Kelly and the naked truth about TED talks.
Pat Kelly and the naked truth about TED talks.

And what is it anyway TED? It's TED non-profit organization, which focuses on spreading ideas. TED-conferences host the world's leading thinkers and other giants of the mind, who convey their stories to the assembled community in short and inspiring lectures. Like pop or rock songs they follow a specific pattern, which is a recipe for success that Kelly also makes fun of. It later emerged from TED conferences TEDx, this is an independent local event that she has also hosted a few times Slovenia.

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