
Tejajeglichdesign: hot Slovenian women's handbags and backpacks by Teja Jeglič

You know, those terrible Slovenian handbags and backpacks? Behind them stands the fashion designer Teja Jeglič, who creates a line of handmade, stylishly and color-perfect women's handbags and backpacks under the name Tejajeglichdesign.

Fashion designer Teja Jeglič has always flirted with geometric shapes and asymmetrical designs. She started as a clothing designer at Faculty of Design in Ljubljana, and she also tested her knowledge at a recognized school Leeds College of Art in England, where she also studied for a while.

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Today, under the name Teja Jeglič Tejajeglichdesign creates a line women's backpacks and bagsc, unique and handmade products that are made in combination with real and artificial leather.


Her designs are right special, recognizable style, as it uses as a logo acrylic transparent tile with her stage name, which she laser-cut herself, the perfect finishing touch shoulder strap or "chain". Teja spends a lot of time to make her handbags so hot, perfect in style and color - you have to find the right combination between the pieces of fabric.

Teja also wants to create one in the future collection for men, but above all to increase the stylistic and functional variety of handbags. In addition to the current one online sales he also wants to someday your shop.

Take a look at Teja Jeglič's handbags and backpacks in the photo gallery - Tejajeglichdesign

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