
Telegram: a messaging app that allows you to correct a sent message

Telegram app

Less than a year ago, when Google added the option to cancel a sent message to Gmail, it saved many people the embarrassment, because you can now later correct or supplement the content or cancel sending completely. The messaging application Telegram has also added a similar function of later editing, which allows you to "proofread" content up to two days ago.

A messaging app Telegram, which has been in existence since 2013, does not allow cancellation of content, so you can you edit the message later, and that's all up to 48 hours ago! This can save you a lot of embarrassment or a situation that makes you have to defend yourself later because you are for example under the influence of alcohol or a rush of emotions wrote something that you later regret or would prefer to sink into the earth for this. Now you can put the "mess" behind you (typing errors or in change the content entirely). It's almost like time travel.

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The Telegram application will save you from many embarrassments.
The Telegram application will save you from many embarrassments.

It just exists Achilles heel, which this "superpower" of the Telegram application has. Others will see that you tampered with the text, but they will not know what was written in the original. Another "loophole" is that you now have to convince your friends to switch your online communication to Telegram (currently it has 100 million active monthly users). Considering that it has some really impressive features, this shouldn't be too difficult. Download Telegram and you'll never have it again moral cat due to inappropriate messages to an ex/ex.

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