
Tell us what kind of coffee you drink and we'll tell you what kind of person you are

Photo: Envato

Coffee for morning pleasure. Who doesn't love her? Few start the day without her. Which one is your favorite? Is it espresso, cappuccino or coffee with milk? Did you know that coffee can reveal your personality?

Body language expert Darren Stanton, says that the type of coffee we drink reflects our personality traits.

Curious about what coffee reveals about you? Probably, yes, like me. Let's see.

White coffee

If you drink coffee with warm frothed milk (60 ml of espresso coffee and 120 ml of milk), you may think that you are a little more sophisticated than others.


People who like this kind of coffee are more prone to one-sided thinking and in some cases quite open and even arrogant, says Darren Stanton. Such coffee is not as popular as latte or cappuccino, so I would even say that it is ordered by people who tend to be lonely.

Latte Macchiato

Real coffee connoisseurs are people who prefer to drink coffee with warmer milk and foam (60 ml of espresso coffee, 250 ml of milk and 50 ml of frothed milk).


They want to drink something simple, without complications. These are the people who they don't like to take too many risks. These are nice people who are happy to go where everyone else goes. Because what could be wrong with a little coffee and a lot of warm milk.


If you prefer to drink espresso (30 ml of espresso coffee), you are probably quite adventurous. Espresso is loved by people with a strong character who they know what they want. These are individuals who are not prone to nonsense and are very open.



Cappuccino (40 ml of espresso coffee and 80 ml of milk foam itself) is ordered by people who are a bit more prone to adventure than latte drinkers and less than espresso drinkers. They are looking for something more and could be considered more fun than latte drinkers. They are ready to step a little further into unknown territory.


They are quite open-minded and always ready to laugh.

Ice coffee

People who order iced coffee (120 ml of coffee, vanilla ice cream and cream) in winter are breaking the rules, working for themselves and they play by their own rules. They can be stubborn in certain areas of life. They are the ones who will sit outside when it rains while everyone else rushes for shelter.



The choice of mocha coffee is quite interesting because it is ranked as the sweetest of all coffee-based drinks. It is one of the most photographed drinks because it is visually unique.


The people who order this coffee are most likely very extroverted and potentially quite loud. It is possible that they are the soul of any party, they want to stand out from the crowd and be unique.

Black coffee

But they are black coffee lovers direct, they appreciate simplicity and practicality, without any pretensions, but they can be capricious and stubborn. They are often cut off and sometimes inaccessible.


Enjoy the taste and smell of coffee!

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