
Ten healthy alternatives to morning coffee

Sometimes it seems that life without coffee is impossible. How healthy this actually is, we can only guess. If you are one of those who wants to quit drinking coffee or maybe you plan to reduce your daily caffeine intake, we have found ten healthy versions of coffee that will fill us with energy and most importantly - put a smile on your face.

1. Mate tea

Mate tea is an excellent alternative to coffee because, like coffee, it contains caffeine. If you mix it with honey and lemon and add milk, you get a tea latte. In addition to caffeine, mate tea also contains antioxidants, even more than green tea.

2. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are full of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which give us long-lasting energy. For additional hydration, they can be soaked in electrolyte-rich coconut water.

Chia seeds
Chia seeds

3. Coffee made from peeled cocoa beans

Did you know that we can also make coffee from peeled cocoa beans? Roast the cocoa beans, grind them in a coffee grinder and use a "French press" or a French cafetiere. For an extra healthy drink, you can add a bit of cinnamon or coconut oil.

Cocoa beans
Cocoa beans

4. Matcha tea

Matcha tea has proven to be an excellent traveler for our health. It is much stronger than ordinary green tea, and, among other things, perfectly cleanses the body and fills us with energy.

5. Raw cocoa

A drink made from raw cocoa is a great alternative for all chocoholics. Raw cocoa is so full of antioxidants that protect our nervous system. For additional flavor and a positive effect on health, we can add some cayenne powder and a little honey.

READ MORE: Delicious hot chocolate in a healthier way

6. Dandelion tea

Dandelion tea is almost the closest alternative to coffee, at least in terms of taste. Although dandelion tea may not sound so sinful, it will do wonders for our skin and hair, as well as aid in digestion and weight loss.

7. Maca powder

Maca powder will help reduce stress and increase energy. Athletes tend to reach for Maca to increase endurance, so we too can add a teaspoon of Maca to our post-workout drink.

8. Chai tea

With black tea as the base, we provide a dose of caffeine, and for greater health benefits we can add cinnamon (speeds up metabolism), cardamom (detoxifies the body and improves mood) and, of course, chai.

Black tea
Black tea

9. Earl Gray tea

Earl Gray tea has some surprising benefits: bergamot oil has a calming effect, helping to relieve anxiety and stress. If we add some almond milk and a pinch of vanilla, we get a delicious tea latte.

10. Drink made from cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar

If we mix apple cider vinegar with cranberry juice and lemon, we create a drink that will detoxify our body and thus increase our energy.

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