
Ten Reasons You Can Be Happy Being in a Relationship With a "Weird" #weirdo

Are you in a relationship with someone who many people think is a "weirdo"? Do you find yourself thinking how "crazy" and "weird" your partner is? You don't even realize how lucky you are. If you have found someone brave enough and strong enough to be who they are in a world of standardized relationships and fixed ideas, hold on to that person. Relationships with "weirds" are much better than with those who try their best to be "normal". Here are some reasons why we can be happy that our partner is a "weirdo".

1. "Weirds" will never let us argue twice about the same thing.

Usually, such people have feelings and opinions that are contrary to ours. But we will never argue with them about the same things, because our relationship will not always be the same or the same. New things are always happening with them, they create new tastes and definitely new attitudes.

2. "Weirds" will never expect a relationship to meet certain standards.

Such people sail in relationships as they sail in life - with the flow and hoping for the best. They do not approach it with prejudice, because for them the relationship is as random and unknown as life.

3. "Weirds" allow us to get to know the "weird" inside them.

Sometimes we are sure we know someone - but soon surprises can follow. "Weirds" allow us to rethink our lives, our passions, who we were and who we can be.

4. We will never be able to replace the "weirds".

We must be aware that we must not let them go, because no one will enter our lives with such power and force. No one will show us so much, teach us so much and challenge us so much.

5. "Weirds" will never ask why we need time for ourselves and for our own adventure.

Such people not only support our personal explorations, but also push us. They don't just want to be with me, they also want to show us how to deal with such things.
They believe in people as they believe in themselves.

READ MORE: 8 "immature" arguments that happen even in the most mature relationships

6. With the "weirds" we will forget the world outside.

Until we meet such a person, we will never understand that the only world we have to belong to is the world we have created for ourselves. We will also never know what it is like to live in our own world, without the need to re-enter the wider society.

7. "Weirds" will stimulate our every creative interest.

Even the tiniest thoughts, which we never gave a chance to see the light of day, will suddenly be big, and at the same time we will have the need to develop and realize them.

8. "Weirds" will never allow us to feel weird or uncomfortable inside.

Such people want us to be "strange". They want us to show it. They are ready to explore with me our inner workings and the most obscure nerves we have.

9. "Weirds" teach us to laugh.

They will show us what it feels like to not take everything too seriously, including me. Life is too short and too "strange" to judge.

10. Sex is the best with "weirds".

Such people are neither nervous nor frightened; they are willing to try anything. Life between the sheets is just as spontaneous and crazy as life outside. And they are not afraid to show their true, naked selves.

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