
The gentle, imaginative and lovely heart of the horoscope: this is why we love people born under the sign of Pisces

The most emotional astrological sign

Pisces are very sensitive, empathetic and sensitive, they have strong intuition.

We are in a period of turning to creativity, art, song, dance, poetry, photography, meditation, spirituality, the transcendental world, higher states of consciousness and higher selves. This is not an era of the material, but of the spiritual.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and represents the end of the cycle. The astrological year begins with spring and the entry of the Sun into the sign of Aries, and the cycle ends in the sign of Pisces. That is why they are supposed to be fish the least materialistic of all signs.

Taurus, Leo, Libra, and Pisces are creative, artistic signs, but unlike, say, Leos, Pisces aren't crazy about the stage lights. They prefer secluded places, abandoned islands, where they can create their creations in peace or find spiritual peace far away from others. They love water - the sea, rivers, lakes, so it is always recommended for fish to live near water.

It is always recommended for fish to live near water.

There are also fish a sign of sacrifice and renunciation, as someone else's well-being is more important to them than their own. That's why energy vampires often get attached to them. Their boundaries between their world and the world of other people are very thin and indefinite, so they often take on the thoughts and moods of other people. Therefore, it is important for fish to be among cheerful and optimistic people, because if they can easily fall under the influence, then this influence should be positive.

Fish they love to help others and together with Aquarius belong to the humanitarian signs. Aquarius helps others from a social conscience and desire for social justice, and Pisces from an emotional perspective and compassion for others.

They are fish highly sensitive, empathetic and sensitive, they have strong intuition. Their moods are very changeable, a whole spectrum of different emotions takes over them on the same day, so they are very easy to hurt.

Pisces have strong intuition.

The unconscious, but also the superconscious, is strongly expressed in fish. Very often they are somewhere between the clouds and tend to fantasizing, running away from reality, as the material world is not what attracts their attention. Intangible worlds have a greater influence on them than material ones.

They often see the world through rose colored glasses and once they fall, that's it a big disappointment. Pisces are fascinated and then disillusioned by their lack of a sense of reality and an objective view of things. Fish in negative form can be liars and cheats, as their ruler Neptune gives illusions and lies.

They like sports the most water sports – sailing, swimming, rowing, water polo, skating. In medical terms, they control the feet, the top of the head, the hypothalamus, the pituitary and pineal glands, the psyche, autoimmune and unknown diseases, and allergies.

They represent the infinite ocean of consciousness, the whole of creation, the consciousness of unity, the state in which all is one. There is no space, no time, no duality, no individual consciousness here. Everything exists simultaneously, there is nothing that does not exist. Everything tests everything. The beginning and the end.

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