
Tesla Cybertruck Camper Concept: A Holiday Upgrade

A Tesla semi-truck enthusiast has come up with an upgrade that will turn the futuristic, bulletproof and electric Cybertruck into a vacation companion.

Although he was Tesla Cybertruck merely presented and not yet on the roads, it has already appeared fan club of this futuristic semi-truck. On the website cybertruckownersclub we were able to trace the user with the nickname "joeguy07″, who got it right special version Tesla Cybertruck.

Tesla Cybertruck
Tesla Cybertruck Camper Concept

With help computer sketches presented a semi-truck s camping supplement. Only this should be installed in caisson Cybertruck, but I could make one other companies and not necessarily Tesla. Joe came up with two versions: Solo and Duo, and with the help of a computer sketch it is easier to imagine where the space should be intended sleep. Unfortunately, more information is not known, but it is to be expected that this idea, or an idea similar to it, will actually come to fruition performed. And this already at the moment when the first Tesla Cybertruck will hit the roads.

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