
Tesla Cybertruck: a sci-fi electric pick-up that really exists

Elon Musk is a visionary who has surprised us many times. But probably never as much as at the presentation of the Tesla Cybertruck electric semi-truck, which is exactly what the name describes: a completely repulsed, sci-fi futuristic pick-up or semi-truck.

Tesla Cybertruck it is real and was not created simply for the needs of a movie or a futuristic game. You will be able to seen on the road and you can have it owned. It is made from steel alloys, which is resistant to dents, scratches, 'macola' impacts and even bulletproof for charges up to size 9 mm. They also ran reinforced and withstand greater force than we are used to with normal car glasses. Just like the 'armor', it's what lies beneath that is fascinating. There will be a configuration with one, two or three electric motors.

Tesla Cybertruck
Tesla Cybertruck

The most powerful version will be able to accelerate from 0 to 96 km/h in only 2.9 seconds, and with a full battery drove more than 800 kilometers. Compared to the most powerful model, the basic model will be able to drive up to 400 kilometers a long way, and it will be powered by one electric motor, which will be mounted on the rear axle. Cybertruck is supposed to deal with bends like a train with rails, which means it will firmly glued on to the base and bends will not cause him problems. Adaptable aerial suspension will enable him to 40 cm distance from the ground, and when loading it will only be able to descend the last one part and thereby made our work easier.

It's clear that the Cybertruck is absolutely futuristic and powerful. How does it perform in the role of a semi-truck? It has a standard 'caisson' which can be weighed up to approx 1,600 kilograms, and can drag up to 6,350 kilograms heavy cargo. The Tesla Cybertruck is expected to cost, calculated in US dollars, between 36.000 and 63.200 euros, to which, of course, everything else will have to be added duties. As a result, we can interpret that the price will be on the Slovenian market significantly higher. Cybertruck is already available for pre-order, and the first versions of the entry model will be available towards the end of 2021, except the strongest which is coming end of 2022.

Gallery: Tesla Cybertruck

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