
Tesla is also officially the most valuable car company in the world

Tesla surpassed Toyota in the first place and became the most valuable brand or car manufacturer in the world. According to the expert media Visual Capitalist, Tesla under the leadership of Elon Musk is currently valued at as much as 183 billion dollars. Toyota follows in second place with $176 billion.

Only in third place and for less than half the value it follows Volkswagen Group, which is reportedly worth Visual Capitalist somewhere 84 billion dollars. There are two more to come Honda and Daimler, which round out the top five with $45 billion.

Tesla - the most valuable company (Photo: Visual Capitalist)
Tesla – the most valuable company (Photo: Visual Capitalist)

Tesla is in an incredible run as it increases its value and has only increased it since last year 375 percent. The company is thus worth more than the concern Ford and GM together. Visual Capitalist it also points out that Tesla sold more cars in 2019 than the two previous years combined.

A big reason Tesla's value continues to rise so steeply is because of the increase in his production capacity. While the company remains constant in opening of new factories in the USA, is expanding globally with new mega-factories being created both in Europe - Berlin, as well as in Asia – Shanghai.

Musk and Tesla during the year They are focusing on 2020 in preparation for the production of electric semi-trucks. But look at the fraction - they are not the only ones. The rival company for Nikola electric vehicles. It has never produced a vehicle, but its value is estimated at quite a lot 24 billion dollars. All this proves how important the electrification of the vehicle fleet is in a global context.

For more about Tesla and its $183 billion valuation follow Visual Capitalist Media - via this link!

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