
Tesla Model S P100D: the fastest production car in the world with gas mileage

Tesla Model S P100D

The new Tesla Model S P100D boasts better acceleration than Ferrari and Porsche! American electric car manufacturer Tesla Motors has outdone itself again. The Model S was equipped with a new battery with a capacity of 100 kilowatt hours, which enables not only acceleration from zero to 100 km/h in a mere 2.5 seconds, but also a range between 506 and 611 kilometers. In practice, this means that it transports us from Ljubljana to Vienna or Milan without filling up in between. So far, no electric car has been able to charge that much.

Tesla Motors has revealed details of a new version of the Model S with the badge P100D. Tesla Model S P100D boasts a new, more powerful battery (100 kWh), which Tesla's crossover Model X (Model X P100D) also got. New models with the Ludicrous function (which enables better acceleration) accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in a flash 2.5 seconds or 2.9 seconds.

The Tesla Model S has a new, 100 kWh battery.
The Tesla Model S has a new, 100 kWh battery.

This places the Tesla Model S P100D in third or fourth place in acceleration among production cars, if we count supercars among them Ferrari La Ferrari and Porsche 918 Spyder and a small-batch electric monster Rimac Concept One. That's why he leaves behind such a big name as he is McLaren F1! At the same time, it should be added that it is almost ten times cheaper (For example, the Ferrari LaFerrari costs $1.4 million, and the Porsche 918 Spyder costs $845,000). It will be necessary to pay approx. beyond the pond 120 thousand euros. The new battery is not only intended for new cars, owners of the version will also be able to think of it P90D Ludricous (the upgrade costs 20 thousand US dollars) and those who are still waiting for their Tesla (with an additional payment of ten thousand).

READ MORE: New Tesla Model S: Model S "in the hood" for the first time

The Tesla Model X is also getting a new battery.
The Tesla Model X is also getting a new battery.

The new batteries are 40 kilowatt hours more powerful than the basic versions (60 kWh) and 10 more than the current most powerful version of the battery. Everything else remains the same for both models. He remained untouched four-wheel drive, as well as the power of the electric motor, the passenger cabin did not shrink at all, and it did not suffer "damage" either luggage space.

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