
Tesla Model S Shooting Brake: the dream of an "eco-metrosexual"

Tesla Model S Shooting brake

If your personal preference is the wagon form of the car, you will be delighted with the Tesla Model S Shooting Brake, because it represents everything that forward-looking family fathers have always wanted. A fantastically beautiful, electric, large family station wagon. Perfectly suited to the soul of a new type of member of society, the "eco-metrosexual".

"Eco metrosexual" is aware of society's situation and involves the entire family and their descendants in responsible behavior towards the environment. With this, it affects the view of how people next to him, behind him, will perceive the currents of change in society. It is, of course, eco, so it must be his electric car. He is such an "eco metrosexual". "early adopter", the harbinger of change, and Tesla Model S Shooting Brake would be the car that I would between electric vehicles undoubtedly chosen. Namely, various "semi-terrain vehicles" and minivans are not cars for "eco-metrosexuals". the regular Tesla Model S but in a way it is completely inexpressive. This is also why his view would hang on the back of this, unfortunately for everyone, extraordinary concept.

So if you dream the same dream as ours"eco metrosexual", is precisely this derivative Tesla Model S probably the only chance you'll ever have a wagon model of this car. It is about handmade processing, carried out by the Dutch car manufacturer RemetzCar. The chosen British green color suits it exceptionally well, and the story continues in the interior, which is decorated with green leather stitching.

Tesla Model S Shooting Brake
Tesla Model S Shooting Brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake
Tesla Model S Shooting brake

It has 37,000 miles on it, and the asking price is not small. He knows 185,555 euros excluding value added tax.

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