
Test: check how well you can concentrate on a task

How can you be distracted while working?

Do you find it hard to concentrate when someone is talking on the phone next to you, when sirens wail past the office? Are you decent at disconnecting from what's going on around you and focusing 100% on your task, or is your concentration disturbed by every little thing? Check how well you can concentrate on the task.

How well can you concentrate? Are you one of those people who gets distracted by every stimulus from the environment, or are you able even when there is a lot of noise around you, completely focus to your work? Take a short test prepared by a Boston psychologist Joshua Hartshorne, and find out if you have an innate ability to ignore disturbing elements from the surroundings.

Are you a victim of distractions from your surroundings or are you able to turn off the world around you while you work?
Are you a victim of distractions from your surroundings or are you able to turn off the world around you while you work?

Yours the task is simple. A word will appear in front of you and all you have to do is press the letter 'w' as quickly as possible when it the color of the word white, and the letter "o" when the word is colored orange.

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It sounds simple, but you'll be surprised how quickly you can get confused. The test issues your intuitive "tendency" to concentration or innate ability to ignore environmental distractions, and you can do it at this address: nymag.com

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