
Test: Mini Cooper S – 5v – rational because it's irrational

Mini Cooper S / 2015 / 5V

The Mini Cooper S is a legendary representative of a type of car that seems to be dying out in the flood of similar products. It is a car cult that is hard to miss if you are a fan of motoring. A car that you have to have once in your life. The Mini Cooper S, i.e. the most "wild" Mini with the S designation in the current 4th generation, also comes with a rear pair of doors and is thus more friendly to urban mothers. Although we believe that some hot-blooded daddy will also sit in it.

When we talk about Mini Cooper, which he carries on his back the S mark we are always talking about the most powerful series Mini. I know! There is more JCW, but about him another time. Translated into numbers it means 193 horsepower under the hood, which allows the small representative of the B segment to 235 kilometers of the final "rush", and furiously accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 6.9 seconds. The numbers aren't that important, because what matters with this car is the feelings across a very, very broad spectrum.

5 doors and an S on the front fascia.
5 doors and an S on the front fascia.

The feeling of owning a Mini is definitely different from the feeling of ownership of some other plebeian representative of segment B, it is mainly about the story of history and little things and details that change over the years but still somehow remain the same. It is extremely difficult for a non-expert to distinguish all 4 generations from each other, even if the Mini differs slightly from each one stretches out in all directions. Thus, in the rear part, the larger taillights are noticeable, which seem oversized and, when lit, somewhat resemble hotplates from the days before induction.

Almost slightly oversized rear lights that resemble a stove top.
Almost slightly oversized rear lights that resemble a stove top.

Front headlights they are flatter, the sides are higher and thus the glass surfaces are smaller. Since we are talking about version s 5 doors but in fact many things are re-arranged and slightly different.

Still, the sideline is aggressive enough to be given the S designation.
Still, the sideline is aggressive enough to be given the S designation.

But not so much revolutionary as before. So, for example, the speedometer moves from the center "console" to the visible spectrum behind the driver's steering wheel. Otherwise, it's a logical move, but it can take away some of the charm and uniqueness of the car. Charm and originality in a way it also takes the last pair of wickets. It seems that the designers at BMW could have been solved better, although at some point a person reconciles and stretched Mini he even starts to please. This happens especially at the moment when you start using the car in reality and you realize that you have to put normal travel bags in the luggage compartment because only this one has grown for good 9 centimeters. Also, the honeydew distance compared to 3-door version acquired 7 centimeters leg room. Whatever this means, in practice it turns out that you will take three passengers, who do not necessarily have to be children, on a trip to Trieste for a Saturday coffee without any problems. There is enough space on the back bench for average representatives of the male gender.

The wheelbase has gained 7 centimeters compared to the 3-door version!
The wheelbase has gained 7 centimeters compared to the 3-door version!

Urban moms however, they will be satisfied with the claim that the entire upper basket of the stroller for newborns can now be stored in the luggage compartment. With the chassis of the stroller, it will be necessary to "jump" onto the back seat, but this will be due to an additional pair of doors an easier task. Maybe not pleasant, but still an easier task.

Fun, charismatic, different...
Fun, charismatic, different….

Mini z the last pair of doors it's definitely a lot more useful than the three-door version, but it still loses some of that primordial charm. I have to admit that I spent quite a bit of time getting used to its five-door silhouette. But at the end of the test, it just got under my skin.

S on the back promises fun!
S on the back promises fun!

S at the rear of the vehicle, it basically promises driving pleasure, which is not only the slogan of the Bavarian automotive giant, but the hallmark of all Minis. It's fun multi-layered and starts at wonderful sound, which is just strong enough to remind you again and again that if you want to, you can do a lot with it. Nostalgically, when driving with the windows open, every now and then you can hear a bang from the exhaust pipe and a pleasant typical burp when the revs drop.

Mini Cooper S / 5V
Mini Cooper S / 5V

Engine it pulls well and is larger in volume than its predecessor. This also obviously helps it to be more responsive and the turbo hole is not felt excessively. It's still down there somewhere... but when Mini Cooper S the joy can begin before the shoulder. While driving, I somehow couldn't shake the feeling that this car could do more, that it wanted to go even faster, but something was holding it back. Therefore, in all likelihood, there is a JCW version. Compared to the 3-door, there is not too much difference, the feelings are basically the same, but still a little different. But these are finesse when you fly the car into a corner, and you ask the car for 120% and then somewhere in the back you feel those few centimeters and kilograms, which change the balance of forces. That's when you know it will be yours better half angry, and the mother-in-law in the back seats can mix oleander into your tea. But when the road straightens out, it opens up and becomes 2 lanes, Cooper S it accelerates magically from 100 km/h towards its limits. And it seems that there is no end, that everything is extremely fast and almost poetic. You sit low, and the view of the black asphalt is different from that of other cars. And that's why the sensations are different than in any other car.

Mini has always been and always will be a great car. This must also be because it is because it is for 100% more expensive from dimensionally similar products on the market. And those 100 percent outweighs his charisma, feelings in driving and the fact that you won't sell it as soon as cars that don't. And when you start these facts recalculate magic happens. Mini becomes rational purchase decision, who are her godfathers irrational emotions.

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