
Thank you my friend for being my second home

Photo: Envato

Throughout our lives, we have encountered many types of people who have meant many things to us. Some have turned out to be lifelong friends, some have come and gone, some show their true colors over time and leave - either for reasons we may or may never understand. But some rare people stay and become our second home.

As we grow older, our circle of friends to whom we show our true selves dwindles. When the going gets tough, the true colors of the people in our lives show. Will they stick with us when we feel like we mean nothing? Are they going to disappear because they were there all along for some benefit.

We can call those who are always somewhere for us - home.

Dear friend, if no one told you this today, this week, or recently, I am grateful that you did. Thank you for existing.

Thank you for being there. Few people will actively choose to stay on our side when we are not happy and having fun.

Thank you for being with me in silence and for your understanding! Sometimes all you have to do is listen.

Thanks for staying. Stayed even when I let the storms swallow me up. When waves of problems crash into me and I try desperately to keep my head above water. You just look at me and offer your hand to pick me up again.

Thanks, friend, for being you! Photo: Donovan Grabowski/Unsplash

Thank you for loving me. You love me on days when I feel unworthy, when I feel caught in a rush of emotions I can't explain. No matter how weird I feel and act sometimes, instead of walking away, you choose to be my rock.

Thank you for believing in me, more than I believe in myself. Thank you for alerting me to the irrationally high standards I sometimes set. I am not perfect; in fact, I'm still working on being the best version of myself.

Thank you for pushing me little by little to strive for greater heights and quietly supporting me until I reached my goals.

Thank you for being patient with me. Despite noticing my fears, anxiety and pain, you are still willing to stay on the phone for hours and listen to me rant about who knows what.

Thanks for the hugs, all efforts to comfort me. Thank you for persevering through tears, sadness and days when I don't know what I want.

Simply thank you for being. You push me to do more, see more and feel more.

Thank you for seeing past my exterior, and for choosing to see the beauty in me despite my flaws instead of looking down on me.

We don't tell you this often enough, but thank you my friend for being a part of my life.

Thank you for being my home. And I hope I am your home too!

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.